Sunday, October 6, 2013

It is Finished!

Today marks one month and one day since my last chemotherapy treatment. It feels good to not have to sit in that chair and have that toxin injected into my veins to prevent the spread of cancer cells. Many have asked why I opted to have chemotherapy and not heal myself using herbs. I have given this much thought because I usually make decisions for my health that are more natural via herbs and less medicinal via doctors. Frankly, I was scared and wanted to live so I took the easier route. However, either way was second to my belief that God would heal me.

As a resident of Brooklyn, New York for more than 35 years, I called St. Paul's Community Baptist Church my church home. I was a member of this congregation for 18 years before moving away. While there, I heard a message given by Rev. Melvin Anderson entitled "It is Finished". When I thought about my journey thus far, I was reminded of this message because It is Finished. I am so thankful to have finished my treatments. It took 9 long months, but It is Finished. As you read this statement you probably placed the emphasis on the word Finished. But as Rev. Melvin Anderson preached in his message, the emphasis is on the word It. So let's say that again...It is Finished! It stands for so many things. It = chemotherapy treatments, pump of chemotherapy drugs to take home, feeling of nausea, sleepless nights, extreme fatigue, hair loss, weight loss, metallic taste of foods, cold sensitivity, mood swings, chemo brain (although this still exists, just not as bad), darkening of hands and feet, darkening of skin, loss of appetite, loss of color, port flushes, home hydration, blood tests, purchase of head scarves, purchase of size 0 pants, and worry from family and friends. Now all of this has turned around for me. I am on the upswing, getting back to the person I once was. All praises to God Almighty.

I had to make a short trip to the infusion clinic last Monday. It felt good to walk in that room and sit for 5 minutes as they flushed my port. I will have the port removed later this month, so my next visits to the infusion clinic will be to drop off some goodies. I am thankful for how well the nurses took care of me and it's so important to let them know.

So I say again, It is Finished!!!

No more infusion
Last chemotherapy infusion appointment

No more pump
On my way to get my pump disconnected for the very last time.


  1. You look GREAT! To God be the glory!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh Tracy, I am so happy for your healing. You look so beautiful and healthy.

    I am finally here in Virginia and would love to visit with you.

    I will add my prayers to your bouquet of prayers

    1. I'd love to see you Alexis. I'll message you my info.

  4. A new chapter ... another step forward ... thank GOD!!


  5. I can hear the victory and strength is your voice. Thank you for sharing the great news. I do miss seeing you. Much love to you and your family xoxox
    Cynthia Long

    1. Thank you Cynthia. I miss seeing you, as well.

  6. Thank are blessed Tracy. So happy to hear the great news. MONIQUE
