Thursday, July 11, 2013

A Well-Needed Vacation

I have the best sister in the world! It's hard when people find out that I have cancer. A lot of people don't know what to say or how to act around me. I'm still me, just being a little challenged right now. My sister is one of these people. She always asks, "Are you eating?" It's her way of showing that she loves me and is concerned about my progress. It's weird sometimes because she's my sister and we've been through this so many times with my mom and my aunts. But just like it was different for me when I was diagnosed, it's different for someone whose protected me throughout their life and there's no way they can make this go away.

This past July 4th my sister wanted to take me away to one of her favorite places to help me relax and not think about doctor appointments and chemotherapy treatments. We went to the Outerbanks in North Carolina. It is such a serene place. Although it was a holiday weekend, it wasn't very busy and I was able to enjoy my time there. Now my sister had the chance to really see me eat. The seafood there is so fresh and prepared deliciously. I plan to go back when I've completed my treatments and I am 100% healthy.

They say you can't choose your family. I love my sister and wouldn't trade her for another. She'll never know how much this vacation has helped me get through my last three treatments. This was a well-needed break that I didn't even know I needed until I was there. My next treatment is July 23rd. Although I am not looking forward to it, I know it's one treatment closer to the finish line. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13).


  1. You are so beautiful...inside and out! So is your sister :-)

    1. Thank you Leah. It's so important to have a supportive family.

  2. You are a survivor and an inspiration! Keep God first and pray always!

  3. You are definitely inspiring Tracy and I pray for your continued strength as you go through this life's journey.

  4. That is so awesome to have your big sister Sonya take you on a much needed getaway. You will get through these last few treatments and tell this thing to kiss your butt because you are healed. Love u Tray!
