Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Day Before

Well today is Thursday, June 27th. I have treatment #9 tomorrow. I dread the days before my treatment anticipating the yucky feeling I'll have for the days following my treatment. But, I have to be thankful. There are millions that didn't make it, but I am one of ones who did. Thank you God for another day.

This part of my life will be over soon and I look forward to September 5, 2013 when I can leave this season of my life behind forever. Remember my talk with God, never will I do this again. Springtime is right around the corner awaiting with new opportunities, new joys, and new victories.

I begin to prepare myself for my 4 hours at the infusion clinic. Seeing people who are completing their last round of treatment and offering words of encouragement. Seeing people who are beginning their first round of treatment and letting them have their personal time with their family members. Seeing women who are pregnant and sending up a prayer for them and their unborn child. What a way to enter this world.

But as I prepare, I think about what meal I want to take with me, what magazines I want to read, what TV shows I want to watch on my iPad. And if you really know me, you'd know I don't watch a lot of TV. But now I actually save shows that air during the week to catch up with them during my chemotherapy infusion session. Wow! What a turn of events.

Each day I thank God for this awesome experience. It couldn't have happened any other way. In any way you'd like to offer positive sentiments of encouragement, I'd appreciate them. Just, please don't start with, "I'm so sorry..." Be glad that this experience has caused me to develop a deeper relationship with God. That is what I need. That is what will sustain me. Pray positive prayers for me. I am healed!!!


  1. I first want to say that as my college roomate, I love you like a sister. I so admire your strength, courage, and awesome outlook on life. I know that god has your back, and so do I. As you travel down this road with the finish line in sight. Know that you are blessed and to whom much is given, much is required. I will pray for your strength, healing, and comfort.Know that you do not endureth this journey alone for I will be a vessel of prayer for you along the way. Weeping endureth for a night but joy comes in the morning. Love u

  2. Rhonda, well said. Glad I have you in my corner!
